Next Phase

Writing this blog has been a fun ride but after six months it is time for me to hang it up.  Ha ha, April Fools!

On the contrary, I am ready to get back into this.  The past couple months have been challenging, with my cancer diagnosis and subsequent surgery followed by several weeks of recovery.  I do my writing at four or five in the morning.  This has never been a problem.  Usually my eyes pop open and I spring out of bed hours before anyone else in my house is awake.  That is why it is the best time to write, for me, because it is nice and quiet and no one needs me for anything.  I just brew a pot of coffee, put on a sweater, and pound away on the keyboard.  But cancer, and its recovery process, grabs a hold of me and says, "Where are you going, Mister?  Lay down and sleep for a few more hours."

Aliens and their cultures

I think that is all behind me now.  I have been waking up at 4:00 again - no alarm, just up and ready to start the day.  It is time to get back on the horse and renew what I started last fall.  Fortunately, I see from the site traffic stats that my regular readers have continued checking the site and a lot of new readers have found it, as well.  The site has been hit nearly 4000 times *** WOW! ***  from dozens of countries.  I will soon post my 100th article.

As I begin the next phase of writing I am interested in hearing feedback from readers.  What have you liked the most, so far?  My articles tend to fit into one of three categories:

  • Details of my own alien spaceship sighting
  • Commentary on current events in UFOlogy
  • Speculation on aliens and their cultures

I enjoy writing about all three subjects but I also want to give my audience what it wants.  I just posted a poll on my Twitter account asking for opinions on this.  Please vote.

In related news I would still like to get other people's stories out to the public.  I have a couple interviews recorded but am reluctant to move forward with a podcast show because of the time and money associated with doing it right.  Time, I have.  In an effort to fund the endeavor I am trying to monetize this site.  It will remain free to read but may have some small, unobtrusive ads, in the future.  For some reason, though, my Adsense setup is hanging in limbo.  If any readers have some expertise with Google Adsense, please reach out to me through the Contact form or call me at 401-315-9102.

This Wednesday there will be a meeting of the "United Friends Observer Society," or what I like to call the "Pine Bush UFO Meeting" near UFO hotbed site, Pine Bush, NY.  I have never been to one of these but I am interested in finding out what goes on there and if anyone attending wants to hear more about my own story I will be happy to share it.  If you are in the area, the meeting is Wednesday April 3, 2019 from 7:30 - 10:00pm at 6 Marl Rd., Walker Valley, NY.  More info is at

That is it for today.  I will be monitoring the Twitter poll.  Please do vote and let me know what you want to hear more of.

Enjoying this blog?

If you have seen an alien spaceship or any type of unidentified flying object (UFO) contact me using the Contact form on this page.  You may remain anonymous if you want.  I will not ridicule you or try to tell you why you are wrong.  I get it, I saw one too.

Thank you for reading and keep an eye on the sky.
