Science Challenge

A challenge was issued to the Scientific Community to figure out how UFOs are able to hover and glide effortlessly without any means of propulsion.  That was in 2018.  Things have changed and since that time there has been more activity in the UFO Community than any time in history.  However, most of that activity has been focused on the subject of Disclosure or getting government entities to share what they know.

Indeed, there has been great progress on Disclosure.  Yet, humanity is no closer to solving the mysteries behind alien technology than it was three years ago.  So here I am, on the third anniversary of The Marceau Contest, reissuing the challenge and sweetening the deal.

Science Challenge

Contest is probably not the best term.  Nobody ever seems to win a contest.  I just got done watching Squid Game with my kids - DO NOT WATCH SQUID GAME WITH YOUR KIDS.  Spoiler Alert!  It is dark and brutal.  But it was the kids' idea and I did not know what it was about until half of the contestants were dead.  From there, we had to see what was going to happen.  The point is, for 455 of those contestants it would seem that nobody ever wins contests.

Maybe Marceau Challenge is better than Marceau Contest.  Call it what you like, Earth has a problem and we need our most brilliant minds to solve it.  Recently, the US Government acknowledged that there are Unidentified Arial Phenomena entering American-controlled airspace with impunity.  These UAPs are not American, not Russian, and not Chinese, according to the government UFO report.  Presumably, they are also not any of our allies, because who would do that to us?  Well, maybe France.  France has always marched to the beat of a different chef.  But probably not.

At any rate, the US government acknowledges there are what they call UAPs that are truly unidentified - lots of them.  By process of elimination, even the greatest UFO skeptic among us is beginning to come around to accept the notion that UFOs are probably not of this Earth.  If they are not of this Earth then by definition they are alien.

Once one comes around to accept the concept that we are being visited by alien spacecraft, many of the eye-witness accounts, my UFO sighting included, begin to sound much more plausible - as if my good word was not enough.  Word.

If stories of spaceships hovering silently above the trees are to believed we have to question how that is possible.  The small-minded debunker would say this violates what we know of physics, therefore it is impossible, therefore all the eye-witnesses and everyone who worked on the government report are all wrong.  

To the curious mind, however, this then begs the question of, how do they do it?  How are UFOs or UAPs or whatever you want to call them, able to hover silently above the trees?  How are they able to sit there without creating any kind of downwash on the treetops?  How are they able to defy gravity so effortlessly?

I have proposed many times that when a UFO hovers over the trees perhaps it is not defying gravity at all.  Perhaps it is in fact attracting gravity from a greater source!  I admit, it is a far-out concept.  But then, so was heliocentrism at one time.  

Science Challenge
The Earth revolves around the Sun? Blasphemy!

Here on Earth there would seem to be no greater source of gravity than that which is created by Earth itself.  But then, we all learned in Third Grade Science that the sun's gravity is actually much stronger.  This is what keeps our planet and the 7-12 other planets (depending on what year it is when you read this) revolving around it.  Earth's gravity only seems stronger because the pull of gravity is relative to one's proximity.  If you could stand on the Sun without being vaporized, Earth's gravity would be imperceptible.  Or would it?

Since the Sun's gravity is much stronger than Earth's, should people on Earth not feel the Sun's pull on some level?  Are we so far from the Sun that its gravity has no effect on our planet?  Clearly, that is not the case or else Earth would stop revolving around the sun and fly off into space.  The Sun's gravity is strong enough to keep our entire planet in line.  Could it not also have the strength to attract objects on this planet?

Given Relative Proximity, Earth's gravity will counteract the Sun's and prevent us all from flying off and getting sucked into the Sun.  But what if we had a way to lock on to the Sun's gravity?  Could we harness it somehow to let it pull us towards it?  Why not?  No, really, why not?

If theoretically that were possible (prove me wrong), then why not do it with other stars?  The Sun is a star like any others.  It just happens to be close enough to feel its heat.  But it possesses the same properties as any other star.  Why can we not lock onto the gravity of a distant star and let it pull us towards it?

Well, you may say, a distant star is too far away for its gravity to be felt on Earth.  Really?  We can see the star.  Its light made it here.  Why not its gravity?  If any amount of a star's light can make it here it is feasible that some amount of its gravity can make it here.  If any amount of a star's gravity can make it here, why can we not isolate it and measure it?  If we can measure it, perhaps we can utilize it.

Marceau Contest

With all this in mind, here is the challenge:  Previously I had asked for Science (whoever that is) to prove my Gravity Attraction hypothesis.  Perhaps that is asking too much.  So I am now amending the Marceau Contest.  Let us start smaller.  Can we feel a distant star's gravity?  Can it be measured here on Earth?  I am not talking about the Timescale Technique which is more of an observation of how a star affects its more immediate surroundings.  I am talking about right here on Earth.  Is there any way to isolate and measure the gravitational pull from a star other than the Sun?

Hogwash, you say.  How could we possibly feel the effects of some object out in space?  Fair enough.  What about our Moon?  The Moon's gravitational pull is only 17% of Earth's.  Yet, it is able to shift entire oceans around, creating the daily tides here on Earth.  Try carrying four gallon jugs (15 liters) around for ten minutes and see how strenuous that gets.  Now imagine the force it would take to move the contents of our largest ocean, the Pacific.  It holds 171 million cubic miles (714 cubic kilometers) of water.  The Moon moves this every day.

Clearly, the effects of an object in space can be felt here on Earth.  If the Moon's gravity can affect our tides so visibly, perhaps there is some method to detect, isolate, and measure the effects of a distant star's gravity here on Earth.  That is my new challenge.  Phase I of The Marceau Contest is now to be the first to isolate and measure the effects of a distant star's gravity here on Earth.  Like the Moon's pull on our oceans, what effects does a star have on our planet?  That is Step One towards being able to lock on and utilize that gravity to perhaps counteract Earth's gravity in an aircraft.

In addition to making The Marceau Contest easier to win, I am also increasing the reward for winning.  In the past, the prize was one dollar, a package of Archway molasses cookies, a box of Ring Dings, or a pizza made by yours truly.  I cannot imagine why any one of those awesome prizes was not enough to get a curious mind to drop everything and get to work on my challenge.  Nevertheless, this year I will continue to offer those prizes to the person or team which is the first to isolate and measure the effects of a distant star's gravity here on Earth.  In addition, I will also offer something very special.

In order to come up with a better prize I had to enlist some help.  As I sat at my desk scratching my head I shouted out to my kids, "What's a good prize for winning a science competition?"  One kid suggested a million dollars.  But that is just silly.  Who would do this for the money?  Then, one of my kids suggested, "One of those cheap trophies that says, 'Science' on it."  Brilliant!

Marceau Contest
You Did It!

So, there it is.  Be the first person or team to isolate and measure the effects of a distant star's gravity on Earth and I will give you your choice of one US dollar, a package of Archway molasses cookies, or a box of Ring Dings, PLUS one of those cheap trophies that says, "Science" on it.  Now, drop everything and get on this.

Enjoying this blog?

If you have seen an alien spaceship or any type of unidentified flying object (UFO) contact me using the Contact form at the bottom of this page.  You may remain anonymous if you want.  I will not ridicule you or try to tell you why you are wrong.  I get it, I saw one too.

Thank you for reading and keep an eye on the sky.
